Minor Bike Service
Just looking to show your bicycle a little TLC? This service is for you!
R350 - This includes:
Wash & Lube
Check Headset & BB
True Wheels
Set Gears & Breaks
Bicycle Setup
As they say, life is a journey.
So make sure your Steed is setup properly & ENJOY the ride, right from the start!
Major Bike Service
Got a Big ride coming up?
MAJOR Bike Service is the way to go!
Price R550 - This includes:
Wash & Lube
Set Gears & Brakes
Replace Cables & Housing
Service Headset & BB & Hubs
Torque Bolts
Replace Sealant
Bicycle Rentals
As they say, life is a journey.
So make sure you ENJOY the ride, by choosing a quality bicycle right from the start!
Professional Bike Service
The name says it ALL - A Service for the Pro's!
Price: R1,200 - This includes:
ESSENTIALLY this is a full bike rebuild! So for this price, it's a bargain!
Skills Clinics
Sick & tired of falling?
Not keeping up with your friend?
Get your skills fine tuned & enjoy your time on your bike.